

5th Breakfasts at Sustainability's

Innovative climate change adaption: building with nature

23 February 2010
Brussels, Belgium- Zuid Holland Province

Breakfasts at Sustainability's are small informal meetings hosted by Brussels Representations of regional & local governments. Topics include issues related to sustainable community development that are essential to public authorities, ranging from climate change issues to waste management, land use, water issues, clean transport, green energy and many more.

On February 23 2010, guests were welcomed by Guido ten Dolle, Head of the Randstad office in Brussels, before the day's activities were introduced by Maryke van Staden, Co-ordinator Climate & Air, ICLEI.

Jane Desbarats from the Institute for European Environment Policy gave a speech on European and local policies on climate change adaptation. After this, Zuid-Holland, represented by Koen Oome, Program co-ordinator of coastal development, Province of Zuid-Holland, gave an example of good practice and an insight into their sand engine developments.

The proceedings also included a presentation on Hedenstad's innovative local approach to climate change adaptation by Julia Weisser of the Municipality of Hedensted's Planning Department and a an interactive, moderated discussion. The event concluded with a networking lunch.