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Past events

12 November 2022, 10:00 - 11:05

Resilient communities – shaping and achieving the Global Goal on Adaptation through subnational action

Recent findings show that climate change risks to cities, settlements and key infrastructure will rapidly rise in the mid- and long-term with further global warming. With worsening conditions, climate change impacts and risks are becoming increasingly complex and more difficult to manage. This UNFC...
9 November 2022
Brussels, Belgium

Join the Big Buyers Symposium – 9 November 2022

The Big Buyers Initiative is hosting its annual symposium on 9 November in Brussels. The event aims to promote and disseminate the work of the four Big Buyers working groups: Zero emission construction sites, heavy duty electric vehicles, circular construction, and digital healthcare. In addition, t...
6 - 18 November 2022
Sharm El Sheick, Egypt

27th Conference of the Parties (COP27)

Local Governments for Multilevel Action pavillion

COP26 in Glasgow proved that the #Time4MultilevelAction had come. Now, we are demonstrating that #MultilevelActionDelivers at COP27. ICLEI is the official focal point for the Local Governments and Municipal Authorities (LGMA) constituency to the UN climate negotiations. Attend all LGMA events...
2 November 2022, 13:00 - 14:00

NBS for water treatment

Connecting experiences explored in the NICE Project

There is great potential in capturing and reusing water in our cities, towns and regions and greater potential in acheiving this together. The H2020-funded NICE Project focuses on nature-based solutions to mitigate pollution and contribute to water reuse for circular urban water cycle, based on capt...
19 October 2022, 10:00 - 11:30

Cities and Youth: European Climate Pact tools and ideas for engagement

In its role supporting the Covenant of Mayors – Europe Office, ICLEI Europe is pleased to be leading a webinar on including youth in efforts to find inclusive and effective solutions to speed-up climate action. The webinar will provide inspiration by presenting examples of successful implement...
17 October 2022, 11:00 - 12:00

Climate-neutral cities:

localising the European Green Deal

ICLEI Europe’s new webinar series for Members explores different ways European cities are making sustainability a reality. Webinars will happen one Monday a month at 11:00 - 12:00. In this session on "Climate-neutral cities: localising the European Green Deal", on 17 October, delve into what ...
13 - 14 October 2022, 14:00 - 13:00

Sustaining Cities, Naturally: Urban ecosystem restoration

Poorly planned urbanisation can lead to societal challenges as social deprivation, climate change, deteriorating health and increasing pressure on urban nature. Urban ecosystem restoration can contribute to lessen these challenges, e.g. through implementing nature-based solutions (NBS). This online ...
13 October 2022, 11:30 - 13:00

Launch of the Urban Greening Plans

what it means for my city or region

To help reverse biodiversity loss within and around urban areas, the EU has called on European cities of more than 20,000 inhabitants to develop ambitious Urban Greening Plans (UGPs) aligned with its Biodiversity Strategy for 2030. In this event the EC Urban Green Platform will be launched which inc...
12 - 13 October 2022, 08:30 - 16:30
Brussels, Belgium

Procura+ Seminar

Connect-Exchange-Act on sustainable and innovation procurement

The 2022 Procura+ Seminar is poised to provide procurement leaders with updates on latest European developments in sustainable, strategic, circular and innovation procurement. As always, this cutting-edge event provides practical support and exchange opportunities for all Procura+ network participan...