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Past events

4 - 5 November 2020

Smart Cities Conference and Matchmaking

A Beginning – Not the End

Click here to join the final Smart Cities Information Systems (SCIS) conference, "A Beginning – Not the End", on 4-5 November 2020, which will include a Smart Cities Marketplace Matchmaking! The conference will be the highlight of the Smart Cities Information Systems initiative, as well as th...
3 November 2020, 09:00 - 13:00

Teaming up for climate action one last time with the Compete4SECAP project

On Tuesday 3 November 2020, the Compete4SECAP project will hold its final event and award winners of the municipal energy saving competition held in eight European countries. In 2019, 31 local authorities from Croatia, Cyprus, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Latvia and Spain took part in an energy...
29 October - 10 December 2020, 16:00 - 18:00

Optimised Heating and Cooling Network Planning

THERMOS Software Online Training & Certification Programme

Local authorities and energy planners interested in conducting better heating and cooling planning in line with their local sustainable energy and climate action plans are invited to join the free online training programme organised by ICLEI and the THERMOS project.  In three online live sessi...
27 - 30 October 2020

Cultural Heritage Leading Urban Futures

ROCK Open Knowledge Week

The ROCK project invites you to join its Open Knowledge Week, a virtual journey and interactive online experience. Cultural heritage and the cultural sector have been heavily impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. But this moment has also become an opportunity to rediscover how heritage and cultural ac...
23 October 2020, 10:00 - 12:00

How collaboration is boosting the procurement of solutions for climate neutrality

Join this webinar to learn about the results of one year of collaboration amongst the three Big Buyers groups, who worked together to use procurement strategically to achieve the organisational climate ambitions. The three Big Buyers groups worked on circular construction materials, zero emissi...
22 October 2020, 09:30 - 11:00

Social Innovation for Energy Transitions

Participatory Lab

In light of the climate crisis, Europe urgently needs a radical transformation of its energy systems. Local governments have long been at the forefront of this change, helping to shape a decentralised and renewable energy future alongside their citizens. This lab, co-organised by Energy Cities and I...
21 October 2020, 11:30 - 13:00

34th Breakfast at Sustainability's

Making Farm to Fork strategies work

What synergies are possible between the Farm to Fork Strategy and the FAO Framework for the Urban Food Agenda? What opportunities for short food supply chains do they offer? What role is there for regional and local actors who want to be change makers for more sustainable and resilient food system...
19 October 2020, 16:00 - 18:00

Fair and Sustainable Energy for All With Integrated Low Emission Development Planning

Join Urban-LEDS cities at Daring Cities

Within a city, a vast amount of different actors, sectors and activities contribute to overall emissions and linked pollution levels. Currently, strategies for emission reductions are often sectors specific with limited cross-linking between sectors that could generate synergies in efforts. Cross-se...
19 October 2020, 12:00 - 13:15

Unpacking Mechanisms to Embed Sustainability in Public Infrastructure Procurement to Achieve Carbon Neutrality

Public institutions spend a large portion of their budgets on the procurement of goods, services and works related to the service delivery of infrastructure. For example, public money is spent for the design and construction of new infrastructure, the continued operations and maintenance of existing...