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Past events

24 January 2024, 10:00 - 12:00

ePLANET 9th Stakeholder Forum on Scaling up Energy Savings

Energy Communities (EC) play a pivotal role in the Energy Transition, serving as catalysts for decarbonisation investments and promoting citizen ownership. As the European Union aligns legislative frameworks to support these initiatives, challenges persist for individuals venturing into ECs. Barrier...
22 January 2024, 10:00 - 11:30

Financing a Transition Towards Climate Resilience

Cities are often at the frontline in addressing and responding to climate-related hazards due to their geographical location, often in low-lying coastal areas, and the concentration of population, infrastructure, and assets. In cities, the risk of climate hazards is layered on top of diverse social ...
18 January 2024, 12:00 - 13:30

How to get homeowners "warmed up" to the energy transition

Do you have a project or programme related to the energy transition? Like many other colleagues, you are probably looking for ways to get homeowners 'warmed up' to this challenge. We can come up with great plans and solutions, but if the homeowners do not want to, there is little we can do. How do y...