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Past events

25 March 2010
Brussels, Belgium

EUSEW: Sustainable NOW workshop

Guiding cities towards an effective, integrated Local Energy Action Plan

This workshop focused on developments in the Sustainable NOW project coordinated by ICLEI. Experiences of 8 communities were shared regarding how they are implementing a sustainable Local Energy Action Plan (LEAP)using an integrated cyclic management approach. A range of tools for local governments ...
25 - 26 March 2010
Grenoble, France

SESAC Renewable Energy Sources (RES) Seminar

As part of the CONCERTO Initiative's Sustainable Energy Systems in Advanced Cities (SESAC) project, this event focused on the city’s approach to improving energy efficiency and implementing RES in the urban environment.
23 February 2010
Brussels, Belgium

5th Breakfasts at Sustainability's

Innovative climate change adaption: building with nature

Breakfasts at Sustainability's are small informal meetings hosted by Brussels Representations of regional & local governments. Topics include issues related to sustainable community development that are essential to public authorities, ranging from climate change issues to waste management, land...
7 - 18 December 2009
Copenhagen, Denmark

The Local Government Climate LOUNGE

LG advocacy at COP 15

The Local Government Climate LOUNGE was a meeting space located in the COP 15 building in Copenhagen, at the heart of the groundbreaking negotiations. LGs and their associations had a unique advocacy base during UN Climate negotiations for dialogue and interaction with their national government, wit...
12 November 2009
Brussels, Belgium

3rd Breakfast at Sustainability’s

What role for biofuels in sustainable urban mobility

The third edition of Breakfast at Sustainability’s once again provided real food for thought in Brussels (Belgium). As part of a series of informal meetings on urban sustainable development organised by the ICLEI Brussels office, approximately 50 participants gathered to discuss the role of bi...
22 - 23 October 2009
Zürich, Switzerland

Procura+ Seminar and Participants Meeting 2009

Tackling Climate Change through Sustainable Procurement

The event was supported and hosted by the Zürich City Council and built on the conclusions of EcoProcura 2009, held in Reykjavik (Iceland) in March. The Procura+ Seminar focused on some of the key conclusions from EcoProcura 2009, and how they can be developed and expanded.Some of the issues up for...
12 October - 13 September 2009
Paris, France

Metropolises and the Crisis: Global Challenge, Local Answers

The conference debated the effects of the recent, global financial crisis on metropolitan regions’ societies and economies, as well as the local solutions that can be brought. The event presented and discussed several issues such as the questioning of ruling models of metropolitan development, the...
15 September 2009
Brussels, Belgium

2nd Breakfast at Sustainability’s

Financing climate champions – engaging your community in local climate action

Fifty participants engaged in dazzling discussion at the second Breakfast at Sustainability’s. The event was part of a series of informal discussions focusing on specific sustainability issues and organised by the ICLEI Brussels Office. The topic, Financing climate champions – engaging ...
27 June - 1 July 2009
Marseille, France

Fifth Urban Research Symposium

"Cities and Climate Change"

The topic for the 5th Urban Research Symposium was Cities and Climate Change: Responding to the Urgent Agenda. At a time when climate change is a major priority for the international community, this Symposium aimed to push forward the research agenda on climate change from a city’s perspective. Th...