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Past events

11 October 2022, 14:30 - 16:00

Capturing alternative sources of funding & financing for sustainable energy and climate actions

To provide guidance and advice to cities on financing the development and implementation of their sustainable energy and climate action plan, this finance networking event will bring together beneficiaries and experts of the Smart Cities Marketplace and Scalable Cities initiatives, together with sig...
30 September 2022, 08:30 - 14:00
Brussels, Belgium

1 Municipality – 1 REC: can it be done?

Exploring drivers and barriers for large-scale uptake of renewable energy communities

The EU Solar Energy Strategy calls for the establishment of at least one renewable energy community (REC) per municipality above 10,000 residents by 2025. This comes at a timely moment, as increased energy prices, security of supply and energy system resilience are higher on the agenda than ever. Re...
26 - 29 September 2022
Brussels, Belgium

Join ICLEI at this year’s European Sustainable Energy Week to discover the projects advancing the clean energy transition

Visit the ICLEI Europe stand at EUSEWOr learn more about ICLEI supported Sessions here. ICLEI Europe’s commitment to accelerating clean, inclusive and sustainable energy transitions across Europe will be showcased at an interactive stand during this year’s European Sustainable Energy We...
23 September 2022, 12:00 - 13:30

European Sustainable Energy Week: five EU projects shine a light on the role of multiple benefits in the European green transition

MICAT, along with sister projects DEESME, m-benefits, EERAdata, and REFEREE are hosting an EUSEW extended event on "The role of multiple benefits in the European green transition", taking place online on 23 September at 12:00-13:30 (CET). The session aims to provide a thorough understanding of the ...
20 September 2022, 11:00 - 12:00

Building socio-economic resilience in at-risk regions

Which are the European Regions at risk of suffering from socio-economic impacts in light of the (just) energy transition? Coal+ regions across Europe and beyond have been for decades the drivers of their countries’ economies, though at times still falling behind their neighbours. With the clea...