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Past events

26 April 2012
Brussels, Belgium

11th Breakfast at Sustainability’s

Will RIO+20 waves have enough power to revitalise local processes in Europe?

The 11th Breakfast at Sustainability’s (B@S) was entitled Will RIO+20 waves have enough power to revitalise local processes in Europe? and explored EU and local government policies and processes towards RIO+20.The focus was not only on what will happen in the UN-conference, but also what may h...
24 November 2011
Brussels, Belgium

10th Breakfast at Sustainability’s

Capitals of Biodiversity – European municipalities lead the way in local biodiversity protection

The tenth Breakfast at Sustainability’s (B@S) was entitled, Capitals of Biodiversity – European municipalities lead the way in local biodiversity protection, and addressed topics related to sustainable urban development. Issues central to the work of public authorities were up for discus...
29 June 2011
Brussels, Belgium

9th Breakfast at Sustainability's

Smart procurement - reducing costs and saving energy

The event aimed to explore the mutually beneficial relationship that exists between manufacturers and local governments in the production and procurement of low-carbon, energy efficient products. Many manufacturers are reluctant to invest in the development of innovative technologies because of conc...
6 April 2011
Brussels, Belgium

8th Breakfast at Sustainability’s

How to organise sustainable meetings and events in Brussels

The Breakfast at Sustainability’s seminar addressed the issue of organising sustainable meetings and events in the Belgian capital. The conference was the eighth in ICLEI’s early morning sustainability series, and took place in Brussels on 6 April 2011. Breakfast at Sustainability&rsquo...
9 December 2010
Brussels, Belgium

7th Breakfast at Sustainability's

Urban Sustainable Food Supply: A Win-Win Strategy

During this installment of the Breakfast at Sustainability's series, titled Sustainable Urban Food Supply, presentations and interactive discussions took place, centered around sustainable food supply in the framework of European agricultural policies, urban-rural linkages, urban agriculture, farmer...
15 September 2010
Brussels, Belgium

6th Breakfast at Sustainability's

Culture and Sustainable Energy: Today and tomorrow

Breakfast at Sustainability's are small informal meetings hosted by Bxl Representations of regional & local governments. Topics covered are related to sustainable community development which is essential to public authorities, ranging from climate change issues to waste management, land use, wat...
7 June 2010
Brussels, Belgium

4th Breakfast at Sustainability’s

Using water more efficiently – burning issues, current approaches, new alliances at local level

Close to 40 people, mainly representing Brussels-based representations of European local and regional governments from Estonia to Turkey, gathered at the EU Liaison Office of the Region of Istria on 7 June 2010. Those present explored topical issues, approaches and new alliances at local level for u...
12 November 2009
Brussels, Belgium

3rd Breakfast at Sustainability’s

What role for biofuels in sustainable urban mobility

The third edition of Breakfast at Sustainability’s once again provided real food for thought in Brussels (Belgium). As part of a series of informal meetings on urban sustainable development organised by the ICLEI Brussels office, approximately 50 participants gathered to discuss the role of bi...
15 September 2009
Brussels, Belgium

2nd Breakfast at Sustainability’s

Financing climate champions – engaging your community in local climate action

Fifty participants engaged in dazzling discussion at the second Breakfast at Sustainability’s. The event was part of a series of informal discussions focusing on specific sustainability issues and organised by the ICLEI Brussels Office. The topic, Financing climate champions – engaging ...