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Past events

2 November 2022, 13:00 - 14:00

NBS for water treatment

Connecting experiences explored in the NICE Project

There is great potential in capturing and reusing water in our cities, towns and regions and greater potential in acheiving this together. The H2020-funded NICE Project focuses on nature-based solutions to mitigate pollution and contribute to water reuse for circular urban water cycle, based on capt...
13 - 14 October 2022, 14:00 - 13:00

Sustaining Cities, Naturally: Urban ecosystem restoration

Poorly planned urbanisation can lead to societal challenges as social deprivation, climate change, deteriorating health and increasing pressure on urban nature. Urban ecosystem restoration can contribute to lessen these challenges, e.g. through implementing nature-based solutions (NBS). This online ...
17 May 2022, 13:00 - 20:00
Belgrade, Serbia

SAVE THE DATE: UrbanByNature South Eastern Europe kick-off event

The UrbanByNature South Eastern Europe (UbN SEE) Hub will gather in Belgrade on May 17th for a kick-off event preceding the 24th European Forum on Urban Forestry. The kick-off will consist of high-level opening remarks, inspiring showcases of urban nature-based solutions in practice, and interactive...
23 February 2022, 08:30 - 10:00

Replicating nature-based solutions across the urban fabric

UrbanByNature China series

The sixth and final UrbanByNature (UbN) China webinar will conclude with STEP7/UPSCALE of the UbN programme. Moving from single pilot interventions to city-wide NBS application is crucial to reap the benefits of nature across the entire urban fabric. Speakers from Connecting Nature, CLEVER Cities, a...
12 January 2022, 08:30 - 10:00

UrbanByNature China Webinar #5: Monitoring and Evaluation of Nature-based Solutions (NbS)

The fifth UrbanByNature (UbN) China webinar will focus on STEP6/MONITOR of the UbN programme. Speakers from Connecting Nature, CLEVER Cities and China will share their experiences in developing and using monitoring and evaluation tools and methods for nature-based solutions. They will discuss how to...