

EU LGD for Ukrainian cities: ICLEI Roadmap approach presentation

4 October 2024, 10:00 - 11:30
Lviv, Ukraine

The ICLEI Ukraine Roadmap comes into place to help support the decentralised governance system in Ukraine, which has enabled numerous municipalities to uphold local public services and take on additional responsibilities to aid the war effort. The decentralised governance reform (that started in 2014 in Ukraine) - resulting in ‘the creation of 1469 amalgamated municipalities, the establishment of an elaborate multi-level regional development planning framework, as well as a significant increase in local public service delivery and public funding for regional and local development' (OECD, 2022) - demonstrated the critical importance of building local human resources, administrative capacities, and service delivery to deal with the war. These capacities will be equally crucial to employ during the immediate and long-term recovery phases, necessitating the development of additional skills to empower cities in fostering climate adaptation and resilience solutions, while enhancing the well-being of their citizens, ensuring harmonisation with climate neutrality plans and effective association with the EU Missions.

The Ukraine Roadmap serves as an overarching framework for ICLEI European Secretariat’s approach towards supporting Ukrainian cities in achieving their sustainability post-war recovery targets, while establishing the grounds towards the realisation of the war local context, governance decentralisation efforts, humanitarian response and energy security urgent needs, together with long-term opportunities for strategic Climate Neutrality, Adaptation and Resilient development in association with the European Green Deal (EU GD). Established in January 2024, the Roadmap activities were formed based on the monitoring of the current humanitarian situation in Ukraine. This includes loss and damage in association with climate change hazards and vulnerabilities, and mapping of the existing initiatives and projects on the ground, to better understand the current context, what actions are taking place, by whom, where and what impact it is making on the ground. These actions all aim to help better define the needs and priorities of Ukrainian cities and communities and coordinate efforts between different actors through comprehensive urban recovery planning at the municipal, regional and national levels.

As part of Ukrainian Resilience Week, this session is aimed at presenting the key findings of the 3 Parallel Workshops that were organised as part of the ICLEI Roadmap at EURESFO24, which took place with 19 Ukrainian cities. Cities representatives will present the urgent needs and demands for plans for developing their Local Green Deals (LGDs), under three key thematic areas: Energy Resilience, Sustainable Reconstruction and Socio-economic Recovery. Speakers will provide findings from EURESFO24, with examples from existing projects/programs/initiatives that they are involved in, and recommendations on how to best support cities, improve access to capital and advance public-private partnership economic behaviour, while maintaining the value, management and utility of municipal services and resources for sustainable post-war recovery and resilience decentralisation efforts.

Moderator: Nuha Eltinay, ICLEI Europe

5’ Opening (Moderator)
10’ ICLEI Ukraine Roadmap - Introduction and Background
10’ City Presentation (Energy Resilience)
10’ City Presentation (Sustainable Reconstruction)
10’ City Presentation (Socio-economic Recovery)
25’ Interactive Discussions (Breakout Rooms)
15’ - Q and A

Register for the event in English or in Ukrainian.