Climate Resilient Cities and Infrastructures 2018 will explore the latest advances in research and practice addressing climate change and resilience in cities, including issues of risk and vulnerability assessment, adaptation pathways, optioneering for financing adaptation, and how to successfully integrate multiple departments and stakeholders from across the city community as part of a holistic adaptation planning and implementation process.
The event will focus on the experiences of the RESIN cities as users of the tools and methodologies that the project has produced. Beyond theoretical presentations, the event will include real application of the tools by cities to build partnerships and seek support from one another and from the research community to empower them to implement climate adaptation action. The policy messages of the cities of Bilbao, Bratislava, Greater Manchester and Paris for adaptation action will be discussed and future pathways for research and practical work in this field explored.
Speakers will include Aleksandra Kazmierczak (European Environment Agency), Roger Street (Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford), Pier Vellinga (Professor of Climate Change, University of Wageningen), UN-Habitat (speaker name TBC), Peter Bosch (RESIN project coordinator, TNO), Dr Jeremy Carter (Co-Director of the Centre for Urban Resilience and Energy at the University of Manchester), Ingrid Konrad (Chief Architect, City of Bratislava), and Pere Malgrat (Aquatec (SUEZ Advanced Solutions)).
Speakers from European-funded projects RESIN, RESCCUE, EU-CIRCLE and BRIGAID will provide a comprehensive insight into the state of the art in climate adaptation, critical infrastructure resilience and urban resilience in Europe.
Participation in the conference is free of charge and it will be followed by a social event. The Climate Resilient Cities and Infrastructures conference is organised by the European Horizon 2020-funded RESIN project and is co-organised by the RESCCUE project.
Detailed information and online registration is available at: