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29 August 2024

ICLEI Europe calls for strengthened 2040 Climate Targets

The window of opportunity to avoid the most dangerous impacts of climate change is closing quickly. As temperatures in Europe are already reaching 2.1°C above pre-industrial levels, climate change impacts such as heat waves, droughts, floodings, and forest fires are already severely impacting co...

20 June 2024

Cities invited to join Urban Transitions Mission

Cities are responsible for almost 75% of global energy use and 70% of greenhouse gas emissions, making them crucial players in advancing the goals of the Paris Agreement and achieving net-zero emissions. To meet global climate targets, it is essential for national and local governments, businesses, ...

28 May 2024

ICLEI and Valencia pave the way towards resilient, adaptive, and climate-neutral cities

Cities and regions across the EU are coming face-to-face with the impacts of the climate crisis. From unprecedented wildfires to droughts and floods, the effects have heralded an era in which enhanced climate adaptation and resilience action are increasingly urgent. For more than 15 years, ICLEI Eur...

23 April 2024

Have your say: what cities need to achieve climate neutrality

The 100 Climate Neutral and Smart Cities Mission Platform, supporting the work of the 112 mission cities towards climate neutrality, is now extending part of its support to any European city aiming to achieve climate neutrality by 2050 at the latest. But as cities embark on their journey towards cli...

15 April 2024

Local Alliance urges EU to stay the course on EU Green Deal

ICLEI and seven other leading networks of European cities and regions - ACR+, CEMR, Climate Alliance, Energy Cities, Eurocities, FEDARENE, and POLIS - have come together to form the Local Alliance ahead of the EU elections.  In a joint letter, the Alliance calls on EU leaders to find new ways ...

18 March 2024

Leading local and EU decision makers discuss translating the EU Green Deal into local action

Last week brought more than 200 Mayors and local representatives together with EU leaders and the Belgian EU Council Presidency to discuss translating the EU Green Deal into local action. During the event, key EU decision makers including European Commission Executive Vice President Maroš &Sc...

5 February 2024

Cities discuss strategies to finance their climate ambition

Cities are leading the way when it comes to innovative climate action – but the same level of ambition on finance is also needed to fund it. It begs the question of how cities can meet the costs of a green transition? Are there new and innovative approaches? Can more private capital be mobilis...

1 February 2024

ICLEI and partners rally support for a science-based EU 2040 climate target

ICLEI and its partners from the Coalition for Higher Ambition are rallying broad support for a science-based 2040 climate target. Ahead of the publication of the European Commission’s Communication on the EU Climate Target 2040 expected in February, members of the Coalition have prepared a joi...

26 January 2024

New ICLEI leadership sets out a joint strategic work plan and agenda until 2027

Mayors of the newly elected ICLEI European Regional Executive Committee (RexCom) came together in Brussels (Belgium) for the first time of their three-year mandate to set out a shared agenda and work plan for the organisation. Priorities of the joint work plan include putting in place action towards...