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29 August 2024

ICLEI Europe calls for strengthened 2040 Climate Targets

The window of opportunity to avoid the most dangerous impacts of climate change is closing quickly. As temperatures in Europe are already reaching 2.1°C above pre-industrial levels, climate change impacts such as heat waves, droughts, floodings, and forest fires are already severely impacting co...

17 June 2024

Public procurement stimulates demand for sustainable construction skills

The built environment in Europe accounts for about 50% of all extracted material, for 35% of CO2 emissions, and for over 35% of the EU’s total waste generation. Implementing nearly Zero-Energy Buildings (nZEB) can be used to reduce this climate impact and presents an opportunity for cost-effec...

1 February 2024

ICLEI and partners rally support for a science-based EU 2040 climate target

ICLEI and its partners from the Coalition for Higher Ambition are rallying broad support for a science-based 2040 climate target. Ahead of the publication of the European Commission’s Communication on the EU Climate Target 2040 expected in February, members of the Coalition have prepared a joi...

26 January 2024

New ICLEI leadership sets out a joint strategic work plan and agenda until 2027

Mayors of the newly elected ICLEI European Regional Executive Committee (RexCom) came together in Brussels (Belgium) for the first time of their three-year mandate to set out a shared agenda and work plan for the organisation. Priorities of the joint work plan include putting in place action towards...

25 January 2024

40 EU cities come together in Brussels to call for an ambitious future EU urban policy

Yesterday, ICLEI RexCom Members Aalborg (Denmark) and Antwerp (Belgium), as well as ICLEI Europe Regional Director Wolfgang Teubner took the stand at a high-level event discussing the future of the EU urban policy with 40 of Europe’s biggest cities, hosted by Perspective Brussels, the urban pl...

4 December 2023

Coalition for High Ambition Multi-level Partnerships (CHAMP) announced at COP28

On 1 December at COP28, more than 60 countries, including 11 EU countries, pledged to join the COP28 Coalition for High Ambition Multilevel Partnership (CHAMP) for Climate Action in order to enhance cooperation with their local, regional and other subnational governments - including cities, towns, s...