
Search Result ( 10 - 18 from 252 )

5 April 2024

A comic strip calls for climate action

As we work to create a sustainable future, sometimes we need inspiration to see what it could look like first. The English version of "Emma's Destiny" has just been released, a comic strip aimed at raising awareness about climate issues and proposing solutions for a sustainable future. Produced duri...

18 March 2024

Leading local and EU decision makers discuss translating the EU Green Deal into local action

Last week brought more than 200 Mayors and local representatives together with EU leaders and the Belgian EU Council Presidency to discuss translating the EU Green Deal into local action. During the event, key EU decision makers including European Commission Executive Vice President Maroš &Sc...

7 March 2024

One-Stop-Shops facilitate the renovation wave

Over the past decade, Europe has weathered several crises (such as the COVID-19 pandemic or the energy crisis, to name but two) that highlighted the centrality of the buildings in which people reside, work and enjoy leisure activities. To meet overarching sustainability and just transition goals, it...

5 March 2024

Community initiatives enable a more inclusive and democratic European Green Deal

In recent years, the discourse around sustainable energy systems has increasingly emphasised the importance of citizen engagement and participation. In the 45th Breakfast at Sustainability's, held as a hybrid event in ICLEI Europe Brussels Office and online, experts and stakeholders convened to disc...

27 February 2024

New event series spotlights local actions for a SHARED GREEN DEAL

Communities across Europe are key to making the European Green Deal work, but a central question is: how? That question, and the pursuit of the answers, guide the new online event series Local actions for a SHARED GREEN DEAL. Through a blend of the Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) perspectives,...

16 February 2024

The Covenant of Mayors - Europe celebrates 15 years of local action

Fifteen years ago, 370 mayors convened at the European Parliament to inaugurate the Covenant of Mayors - Europe. In doing so, this network of mayors, managed by a consortium of city networks including ICLEI Europe, committed to surpassing the EU’s 2020 CO2 emission reduction targets by at leas...

14 February 2024

European-wide Support Facility assists municipalities transitioning towards more sustainable local energy planning

The transition toward more affordable, secure and sustainable energy is a priority for city planners in actioning strategic heating and cooling (H&C) planning and decision-making. The European-wide Act!onHeat Support Facility, of which ICLEI is a partner, is available to all local energy planner...

7 February 2024

Rotterdam employs a collective approach to transform homes and communities

Only 1% of European homes meet sustainability targets, with very diverse factors influencing the homeowners´ decision to renovate. In ICLEI Member Rotterdam (the Netherlands) as in the rest of the the Netherlands, this number is estimated to 6-8% of homes. Recognising the urgency of the s...

1 February 2024

ICLEI and partners rally support for a science-based EU 2040 climate target

ICLEI and its partners from the Coalition for Higher Ambition are rallying broad support for a science-based 2040 climate target. Ahead of the publication of the European Commission’s Communication on the EU Climate Target 2040 expected in February, members of the Coalition have prepared a joi...