
Search Result ( 199 - 207 from 233 )

7 January 2019

Zagreb hosts co-design workshop on nature-based solutions and urban regeneration

ICLEI member Zagreb (Croatia) recently hosted, 3-4 December 2018, a co-design workshop, which sought to explore how the city’s easternmost district, Sesvete, could be regenerated through nature-based solutions. The hope for the district is to revive some buildings of the former meat-processin...

6 December 2018

Cities invited to discuss how to ensure social justice and health benefits for all in greener cities

With the growing ambition of cities all around the world to promote urban greenery and water to tackle urban challenges, there is also a growing need to highlight the underlying societal impacts, both positive and negative, such urban plans and strategies can have. “Re-naturing” cities ...

3 December 2018

Join ICLEI in the EU pavilion at COP 24 to talk resilience, smart cities and nature-based solutions

As part of COP24, the 24th United Nations Climate Change Conference taking place this week and next in Katowice (Poland), ICLEI alongside local and regional governments, will share outcomes from the Cities and Regions Talanoa Dialogues and present the work our Members are undertaking towards achievi...

27 November 2018

Cities across the world united in call to action for ‘nature and people’

The 6th Global Biodiversity Summit of Local and Subnational Governments, an official parallel event to the 14th Conference of the Parties of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD COP 14 ) culminated on 24 November with the adoption of the Sharm El-Sheikh Communiqué for Local and Subnati...

8 November 2018

2018 Transformative Action Award Ceremony to take place at the European Committee of the Regions

The 2018 Tranformative Action Award Ceremony is set to take place on 15 November 2018 at 12:30 (CET) in the European Committee of the Regions (CoR), Brussels (Belgium). The award ceremony, organised by ICLEI, the Basque Country and the City of Aalborg (Denmark) and supported by the European Committe...

29 October 2018

Join ICLEI at the 3rd European nutrient event to discuss turning bio-based fertilisers into business opportunities

As part of the 3rd European Nutrient event taking place in Rimini (Italy), 8-9 November, ICLEI will host a roundtable titled ‘Growing sustainable business opportunities with bio-based fertilisers.’ The event, which is being organised by Ecomondo Scientific Technical Committee, European ...

26 October 2018

Local Renewables conference explores wastewater utilities and the circular economy

As part of the 2018 Local Renewables Conference, ICLEI organised a session titled ‘The wastewater utility of the future: A key player of the circular city?’ In this session, researchers from the INCOVER project presented their work on innovative technologies for recovering a variety of ...

9 October 2018

Local citizens key to successful urban regeneration

"If an administration would like to be successful, it needs to work with civil society; the people who live in a quarter are the experts of that quarter". With these words of wisdom, Lord Mayor of Dortmund (Germany) Ullrich Sierau welcomed participants to a conference on nature-based solutions and u...

13 September 2018

Bologna, Ghent and Tirana shortlisted for 2018 Transformative Action Award

The shortlisted candidates for the 2018 Transformative Action Award were revealed today at the URBACT Festival in Lisbon, Portugal. The award, which is co-organised by ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability, The Basque Country and the City of Aalborg (Denmark), rewards current or conclu...