
Search Result ( 226 - 233 from 233 )

25 April 2018

EU Green week to see strong ICLEI representation

For the first time, the EU Green Week (May 21-25) will not take place exclusively in Brussels (Belgium), but instead the opening ceremony will take place on May 21 in Utrecht (The Netherlands), the closing ceremony will take place on May 25 in Madrid (Spain) and the mid-week events will take place, ...

10 April 2018

Cities invited to participate in European event on nature based solutions and green infrastructure

A Coruña (Spain) will host a three-day event from 16-18 May 2018 on Nature Based Solutions (NBS) and green infrastructure, as part of a joint initiative by Connecting Nature and the Think Nature platform. The dialogue event, titled “Transforming cities, enhancing wellbeing: innovating ...

26 March 2018

Nijmegen to host conference on inland ports and sustainability

2018 European Green Capital City Nijmegen (The Netherlands) will host a conference titled ‘Ports and the City – Smart and Healthy’ on 12-13 April. The two day, free of charge international conference, will inform and inspire participants on how to make inland port areas healthy, l...

1 March 2018

European cities face more extreme weather than previously thought

A landmark study shows the impact of flooding, droughts and heatwaves by 2050-2100 will exceed previous predictions. The research is the outcome of the recently-concluded RAMSES project, where ICLEI worked with scientists and cities to deliver evidence of climate change impacts and the costs and ben...

19 February 2018

European sustainable development week set to take place in May

Now in its 4th year, the 2018 European Sustainable Development Week (ESDW) will take place from 30 May - 5 June. The ESDW is a Europe-wide initiative to stimulate and make visible activities, projects and events that promote sustainable development and the achievement of the Sustainable Development ...

15 February 2018

Registration open for ICLEI World Congress 2018

Registration has now opened for the ICLEI World Congress 2018, which will be held from 19-22 June in Montréal (Canada). At the ICLEI World Congress 2018, ICLEI and Ville de Montréal will bring together hundreds of mayors, governors, city staff, international organisations, business le...

12 February 2018

ICLEI Europe expands its topical reach and workforce

The European Secretariat of ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability has announced that it will recruit around 15 new members of staff, expanding its total workforce and strengthening the organisation’s topical reach. The recruitment drive will see each of ICLEI Europe’s three...

22 January 2018

ICLEI Regional Director Wolfgang Teubner reflects on the challenges and successes of 2017

Dear Members, Partners, Colleagues and Friends, I hope you all had a great start into 2018, and wish you health, happiness, and success for the year to come. The turn of the year is a time when we tend to look back at the year that has passed and forward to the year ahead of us, often with hope an...