
Search Result ( 73 - 81 from 233 )

7 June 2022

The crumbling foundation of urban life: cities must play a strong role in saving Europe’s soil ecosystems

Healthy soils are vital to life, providing the foundation for biodiversity and food supply. ICLEI Europe has released a new Position Paper that responds to the European Commisson's EU Soil Strategy for 2030, providing key recommendations for policy-makers. The paper draws on linkages elaborated in a...

2 June 2022

Stay up to date – environmental news alerts for decision makers!

What should you take into consideration when it comes to greening your city or region? At ICLEI Europe we encourage local government leaders to stay up to date on the leading research and updates on these topics. However, it can be hard to follow-up with the latest scientific findings in the environ...

31 May 2022

Local authorities invited to sign the Edinburgh Declaration: make your voice count

In order to protect biodiversity and foster resilience across the world, all levels of government and society must work together. In this regard, the role of cities, subnational governments, and local authorities cannot be underestimated! The Edinburgh Process and Edinburgh Declaration are central t...

24 May 2022

Meet ICLEI Europe's newest Member: Cesena

ICLEI Europe’s newest Member is the City of Cesena, located in the north of Italy among green hills and the Adriatic Sea. The city hosts almost 100,000 inhabitants and has long cultural and culinary traditions, as well as a strong agricultural sector. It was one of the first cities in Europe &...

13 May 2022

Save the date for the 9th European Urban Resilience Forum

Every year, city represenatives, experts and stakeholders at the local and regional stage come together at the European Resilience Forum to participate in a unique exchange and stategise on climate adaptation, disaster management and urban resilience. The event is an excellent opportunity to explore...

21 April 2022

Planetary health in practice: lessons on urban greening from 2021 European Green Capital Lahti

Last winter, Finland’s first ‘Planetary Health Physician’, Dr. Hanna Haveri, sat down to speak with ICLEI about her work with urban greening initiatives in ICLEI member city Lahti (Finland). In recognition of its long-standing history and achievements in sustainable city planning, ...

20 April 2022

Not a drop to waste: ICLEI joins Water Europe community

Water is a vital resource for life, necessary as drinking water and for sanitation, to maintain healthy ecosystems, cultivate agricultural land, produce renewable energy, and much more. This is why water is a key topic area within which ICLEI Europe works. In order to increase our impact in this fie...

6 April 2022

ICLEI Europe welcomes its newest member: Gartenstadt Haan, a flourishing city for local sustainability

ICLEI Europe has welcomed its newest member, the City of Gartenstadt Haan (Germany). Haan is a small city in Western Germany, home to 30,000 inhabitants. Haan is characterised by green infrastructure, which explains why it is known as the “Garden City” (Gartenstadt). The city is travers...

23 March 2022

ICLEI invites cities to make voluntary contributions towards achieving biodiversity targets

Cities play a critical role in the global community to increase collective action and cumulative positive impacts for nature. Groundbreaking cities inspire and prompt other cities to take action, learn from each other, receive international recognition for their contributions and successes, and buil...