
Search Result ( 91 - 99 from 160 )

26 April 2021

Open call for regions interested in circular cultural tourism

In light of COVID-19 and the restrictions it has imposed on travel, many places are rethinking their tourism strategies. A more circular approach to cultural tourism is emerging alongside this paradigm shift; one that aims for sustainability, community empowerment and regional development along with...

23 April 2021

Regions taking action to integrate cultural and natural heritage into regional development strategies

Many regions across Europe are currently updating their "Regional Smart Specialisation Strategies" (RIS3) – in other words, research and innovation strategies for a region that: focus policy and investments on key priorities; build on local strengths; support innovation and stimulate priv...

14 April 2021

Join upcoming discussion on financing the adaptive reuse of cultural heritage

Abandoned cultural heritage sites – including underused buildings, complexes, heritage spaces and more – hold great potential for the public and private sectors, as well as local communities. If done thoughtfully, reviving and transforming these sites can be an opportunity to increase co...

9 April 2021

ICLEI joins call for ambitious EU strategy for a Sustainable Built Environment

ICLEI has joined a coalition of 31 stakeholders calling on the European Commission to deliver an ambitious EU strategy for a Sustainable Built Environment (SSBE) as part of its implementation of the Circular Economy Action Plan. In a letter addressed to the European Commission’s Executiv...

6 April 2021

European building data project takes off with new website

There is a marked lack of data available on Europe's building stock, which hinders governments at all levels from being able to put forth optimal policies and renovation schemes to support decarbonisation of buildings. ICLEI Europe is working with European partners to close this gap. The project ha...

29 March 2021

Putting heritage at the heart of the European Green Deal

Researchers from the CLIC project – in which ICLEI Europe is a partner – have contributed as expert members to the European Cultural Heritage Green Paper, which explores and advocates for the role of cultural heritage in the successful implementation of the European Green Deal. The Green...

26 March 2021

New factsheets explore how procurement can tackle the climate crisis

The Global Lead City Network on Sustainable Procurement (GLCN), coordinated by ICLEI, has published a set of global public procurement factsheets exploring the links between procurement and the climate crisis. The factsheets provide an overview of the challenges and opportunities facing the constru...

15 March 2021

Policy Brief available now on enabling partnerships for adaptive heritage reuse

A new Policy Brief is now available to support local stakeholders to build strong partnerships for adaptive heritage reuse. Why do partnerships matter in this field? What are the key challenges faced in forging adaptive heritage reuse partnerships, and what are the main opportunities they catalyse?...

4 March 2021

Learn to become a more circular city

Is your city or region looking to build the foundations for circularity, to transform your construction and demolition waste stream into a circular flow of materials, or looking to valorise and reuse your biowaste at a high value? Then don’t miss the chance to learn how to meet your goals from...