
Search Result ( 91 - 93 from 93 )

30 July 2019

Applications open to join urban sustainability and justice project

All those who are passionate about urban sustainability and justice are invited to apply to join the Urban Arenas for Sustainable and Just Cities (UrbanA) project as a Fellow or event participant. The UrbanA project, for which ICLEI Europe is a partner, is working to build more sustainable and just...

22 February 2019

Insights on integrating social justice and health equity in urban greening shared at international symposium

On 13 December 2018 the European projects ENABLE, NATURVATION and Greenlulus organised a half day international symposium to share insights how urban greenery can be planned and deployed strategically to create an inclusive urban society and foster health benefits. The symposium was an official sid...

6 December 2018

Cities invited to discuss how to ensure social justice and health benefits for all in greener cities

With the growing ambition of cities all around the world to promote urban greenery and water to tackle urban challenges, there is also a growing need to highlight the underlying societal impacts, both positive and negative, such urban plans and strategies can have. “Re-naturing” cities ...