
Search Result ( 28 - 36 from 206 )

24 February 2023

New mobility policy briefs emphasise the need for long-term zero-carbon transition pathways to meet climate targets

The transport sector is responsible for over 27% of cities’ CO2 emissions and over 14% of annual greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Cities must therefore decarbonise their mobility sectors rapidly in order to meet global climate change targets. Around 72% of total transport CO2 emissions come fro...

27 January 2023

Youth aged 18–27: enter visual story competition to win an Interrail pass!

Students between the ages of 18–27 that are enrolled in a Bachelor, Master or PhD programme at an EU institution are invited to share their visions for a sustainable mobility future. This Visual Story Competition will amplify young people’s perspectives as the mobility community moves fr...

8 December 2022

The 10th Informed Cities Forum convened in European Green Capital 2022: Grenoble

What should we do first? Build cycle lanes or wait until there are enough cyclists to push for change? According to the panellists at last month’s Informed Cities Forum, if you want people to change their mobility habits, you need to both make them aware of their own impact and provide them wi...

1 December 2022

Local organisations can receive €22,000 to support the Green Deal

Local authorities and not-for-profit organisations can apply for €22,000 to become local partners of the European project SHARED GREEN DEAL. Partnerships are offered on six different European Green Deal topics: Clean Energy, Circular Economy, Preserving Biodiversity, Sustainable Mobility, Effic...

29 November 2022

ESCT is coming home: Aalborg to host 10th European Conference on Sustainable Cities and Towns

ICLEI Member Aalborg (Denmark) will host the 10th edition of the European Conference on Sustainable Cities and Towns (ESCT), which will take place in the first week of October 2024. “We are proud to once more invite cities from across Europe to Aalborg to become part of a transformational mov...

18 October 2022

Register now for the 10th Informed Cities Forum

ICLEI Europe’s interactive and dynamic event series, the 10th Informed Cities Forum, is taking place 23-25 November and registrations are now open. The event welcomes all dreamers, thinkers, and doers to the European Green Capital 2022 and ICLEI Member, the City of Grenoble (France), to build ...

14 September 2022

Two websites managed by ICLEI Europe are finalists for the .eu Web Awards

The CityLoops and CIVITAS Initiative websites, both created and managed by ICLEI Europe, are finalists for the 2022 .eu Web Awards in the “Better World” and “Laurels” categories, respectively. These categories are for websites that represent green initiatives, and pan-Europea...

29 August 2022

Convening leaders to get cities moving more sustainably

More than 70 percent of Europeans live in cities, and this share is expected to grow in the years to come. What’s more, urban areas account for some 23 percent of the EU’s greenhouse gas and transport emissions. Decisive action in urban transport and mobility is thus needed for our citie...

23 August 2022

Cycling cities pedal off into the sunset

For the past four years, thirteen cities and six technical partners have worked together to improve conditions for cycling as an everyday mode of transport. This work, which was done in the context of the CIVITAS Handshake project in which ICLEI Europe is a partner, began in 2018 by identifying key...