
Search Result ( 28 - 36 from 89 )

3 February 2023

When 1 + 1 = 3: the impact of partnerships on reaching Aalborg’s climate ambitions

Over the past year, the Aalborg Climate Alliance has worked hard to begin the process of launching Local Green Deals (LGDs). This involves local governments setting up partnerships with businesses, stakeholder organisations, and civil society initiatives to localise the EU Green Deal, agreeing to sp...

27 January 2023

New report identifies main priorities in ethical IT procurement

ICLEI Europe has published a new report, identifying a number of lessons for how public buyers can increase their social responsibility procuring their IT-related products. The report aligns the criteria with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, developing certification systems th...

27 January 2023

Putting the Locals in Local Green Deal

‘Leave no one behind’ is the central, transformative promise of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This message is also central to the Just Transition Mechanism, aimed at supporting the EU Green Deal. With more cities across Europe d...

20 December 2022

Last but not least: ending the year with another COP critical to nature

While the United Nations’ climate change negotiations (COP27) came to an end last month, this December was all about another Conference of the Parties: namely, global biodiversity negotiations known as CBD COP15. This was the occasion for world leaders to come together and agree upon a Post-20...

19 December 2022

Applications open to be the European Youth Capital 2026

While the European Year of Youth (2022) is coming to an end, cities seeking additional opportunities to support youth leadership are encouraged to apply to be the next European Youth Capital. This title is awarded to a European city to help them empower local young people, boost youth participa...

13 December 2022

ICLEI Member cities discuss climate-neutrality and the Common Good

ICLEI believes that the ‘Common Good’ is an essential component for cities to consider as they strive to meet their sustainable development goals. ICLEI Members recently came together to discuss how this notion of the Common Good is a key part of the way forward for cities that are part ...

29 November 2022

ESCT is coming home: Aalborg to host 10th European Conference on Sustainable Cities and Towns

ICLEI Member Aalborg (Denmark) will host the 10th edition of the European Conference on Sustainable Cities and Towns (ESCT), which will take place in the first week of October 2024. “We are proud to once more invite cities from across Europe to Aalborg to become part of a transformational mov...

28 November 2022

ICLEI welcomes strengthened social economy approaches in the EU

The German Secretary of State Sven Giegold together with his Spanish colleague recently announced that a strengthened social economy in Europe would be one of the priorities under the Spanish Presidency: “Spain will hold the Presidency of the EU Council in the second half of 2023. One of its ...

12 November 2022

Decarbonisation Day at COP27: cities leverage partnerships to lead the way

In order to reach global climate goals, we must dramatically reduce carbon emissions. To this end, 11 November was officially designated Decarbonisation Day at COP27, and featured conversations on policies to encourage and accelerate decarbonisation, as well as showcases of technologies and innovati...