
29 June 2019

Importance of collaboration in climate action highlighted at international conference

The International Conference on Climate Action (ICCA2019) convened in Heidelberg (Germany) on 22-23 May. The event highlighted the importance of “collaborative climate action,” meaning action that includes communication, coordination and cooperation across government levels, sectors, and stakeholder groups.

Regions, cities, towns and communities are at the core of a global climate movement. With their economic and innovation potential, as well as their engagement with citizens and stakeholders, sub-national actors can develop and shape low-emission economic practices and resilient infrastructures, as well as social systems and lifestyles. At the same time, decisive leadership and strong support of national governments is essential.

In this context, ICLEI was invited to present the C-Track 50 project at the ICCA, alongside presentations from other existing and new projects and initiatives on collaborative climate action. C-Track 50 aims to mobilise and guide public authorities at local and regional levels to achieve climate resilience and carbon neutrality by 2050. It focuses on strengthening cooperation between the EU and local, regional and national levels of governance, as well as on capacity building in integrated energy and climate policy planning, and supporting the development and financing of local sustainable energy and climate policy action plans.

Through its sessions and outcomes, the conference made clear the crucial importance of having framework conditions that allow cities and municipalities to exercise their role as players in the field of climate action and sustainable development. Such framework conditions range from access to expertise, to financial resources, to regulatory conditions.

The conference prompted a response from German Mayors, who wrote a letter (in German) to Chancellor Merkel calling on the national government to provide greater support on climate action.

For more information about the C-Track 50 project, click here. Read more about the German Mayors’ response here.