
11 July 2024

Access a financial helpdesk to boost climate finance to cities

Cities are major energy consumers and contribute significantly to greenhouse gas emissions. They, therefore, also have a critical role in achieving global climate targets. In order to accelerate sustainable development initiatives and bolster climate action projects in cities, the UTM Centre’s (Urban Transitions Mission Centre) - of which ICLEI Europe is a partner - Finance & Funding Helpdesk offers important assistance. The Helpdesk, which has recently unveiled its online interface, aims to assist cities in navigating the complex landscape of climate finance to secure backing for their project proposals, and access essential resources for sustainable infrastructure projects.

The Helpdesk was created for UTM cities interested in receiving support to access Project Preparation Facilities (PPFs) and urban programs from multilateral development banks such as the EIB, EBRD and World Bank. You can find additional details about the Helpdesk here.

Launched at COP26, the UTM is one of seven missions of Mission Innovation, which brings together decision-makers at all levels of government to aid cities around the world adopt innovative solutions that foster climate-neutral and zero-emissions pathways. The Mission aims to accelerate capacity building within cities and bridge the gap between research, development and deployment.

Cities wishing to benefit from this opportunity can join the UTM, which is recruiting another 150 cities to join by the end of 2024, in addition to the 97 cities (including several ICLEI Members) that are already part of the cohort. Cities that are signatories of the Global Covenant of Mayors, and have more than 50,000 inhabitants, are welcome to apply by filling the online application form (also available at: Join The Cohort – UTM (