
29 February 2012

Countdown on to CARE-North Final Conference

With three weeks until the CARE-North Final Conference, kicks off in Bremen (Germany) from 20-21 March 2012, the conference programme has been released. The event will examine obstacles to the progress in sustainable mobility and foster discussion on the various approaches to carbon responsible transport strategies.

Representatives of local and regional decision-makers, urban planners, business representatives, technical experts, researchers and members of the public will have the opportunity to share their cities’ sustainability strategies at the Care-North Final Conference.

Experience the most innovative aspects of mobility in Bremen by joining one of the various site visits. Learn from insights of trailblazing pilot cities on the potential of alternative transport options such as electric mobility, car-sharing and clean fuels and discuss comprehensive and practical approaches in sustainable mobility, while linking the topic to the EU perspective, as well as to the Rio+20 process. Registration is now open and attendance is free of charge.

For more information, click here.