
5 November 2014

Dortmund workshop to explore innovative sustainable mobility approaches

Using urban mobility planning as a means to enhance the use of sustainable transport modes will be explored in a workshop organised by the BUMP (Boosting Urban Mobility Plans) project on 20 November 2014 in Dortmund (Germany). Titled "sustainable urban mobility planning: innovative approaches for boosting bike use, public transport and energy efficient mobility", the free event will be held in both German and English, with simultaneous translation available. Similar BUMP workshops have already taken place in Trieste (Italy) and Sofia (Bulgaria). A workshop in Budapest (Hungary) is taking place on 6 November.

The Dortmund event programme puts an emphasis on interaction, giving participants the opportunity to question the array of speakers. Presenters include Professor Stefan Greiving, Executive Director of the Institute of Spatial Planning, TU Dortmund University; Thomas Pott, Department of Regional Development, Ruhr Regional Association; and Dennis Steinsiek, mobility consultant, nextbike GmbH, among others.

Participants will also have the opportunity to share knowledge, expertise and best practice. The BUMP project aims to help local governments in cities with between 40,000 and 350,000 inhabitants develop their own Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs). Working in nine EU countries, BUMP provides city planners and environmental and technical officers with the knowledge and skills to plan and manage sustainable mobility.

For more information, visit the BUMP website.