
21 April 2020

Fighting fuel poverty in Aberdeen

ICLEI Member Aberdeen (United Kingdom) is making strides in fighting fuel poverty through a holistic approach to energy efficiency that encompasses both structural changes and a local, grassroots approach.

A new video produced by the SMARTEES project highlights this approach. It was shot during in January 2019, when ICLEI Member Lahti (Finland), as well as a delegation from Timișoara (Romania) visited Aberdeen to learn from their success.

During the visit, participants explored the Torry neighbourhood, an area of Aberdeen especially hard-hit by fuel poverty. Aberdeen Heat and Power has worked closely together with a local community centre there to conduct house visits to offer affordable insulation.

Eira Rosberg, Sustainable Development Coordinator from Lahti, was inspired by their hands-on approach, saying, “The most inspiring was the energy advisor that can come to your home… because they can help a person, for example, to get the best electricity tariff and [to manage] other energy issues, such as insulation and room temperature.”

Participants also visited the Tillydrone Energy Centre, which houses a Combined Heat and Power (CHP) plant that connects 80 percent of apartments in seven multistory buildings. During an exploration of the Seaton Energy Centre, participants were able to see another CHP plant, which supplies 14 multistory blocks, an Aquatics Centre and a range of public buildings – with further storage capacity for periods of peak demand.

Read more about how SMARTEES cities are fighting energy poverty through energy efficiency here.