
14 July 2022

Make use of new policy briefs to engage young people in policy making

Policy makers can now use two new policy briefs to better engage young people. These briefs support policy co-creation, and help develop types of integrated services that tackle complex social problems in holistic, process-oriented, and personalised ways.

Why are young people more likely to experience unique vulnerabilities in labour and housing markets? How can local policies reduce inequalities among urban youth? What new approaches seem to be most successful? These questions and more are explored in the briefs.

They include innovative examples of integrated services for youth, as well as participatory policy making. In addition, they present key takeaways on how to create high quality youth services and meaningfully include young people in co-creation of policies that affect them. In this way, these briefs support policy makers in designing and implementing new types of policy- and decision-making processes in Europe, which enable more direct citizen participation, both as a way to counter political disaffection and to increase the effectiveness of policies.

The policy briefs have been put together by the UPLIFT project, in which ICLEI Europe is a partner. Their contents draw on the Inventory of post-crisis policies against inequality and Urban Reports highlighting youth inequalities in 16 different urban areas across Europe.

For more information, read the policy briefs in more detail here.