
8 August 2014

Mayors in Action tutoring scheme offers training and networking opportunities

The Mayors in Action project is offering in-depth training on the monitoring and implementation of sustainable energy action plans (SEAPs) to project coordinators and supporters. The training, which kicks off the Mayors in Action tutoring scheme, will take place from 2-3 October in Barcelona (Spain).

The first day will cover topics including funding mechanisms, tutoring and learning from current projects, as well as providing participants with a chance to build links with each other and share their own experiences and expertise. The second day will consist of a technical visit to the Local Energy Agency of Osona, which aims to help municipalities manage energy consumption, promote renewable energy sources and improve energy efficiency.

The Agency also manages public lighting, develops and cooperates on energy-related campaigns with other agencies, and advises and gives technical support to Local Authorities on the introduction of renewable energy. The visit will include tours of a local school participating in their Unplugg Yourself project and a local biomass installation. Participants are asked to confirm that they wish to attend the technical visit as places are limited. Coordinators and supporters entering the tutoring schemes will be given priority.

For more information, click here.