
25 June 2019

New free tool launched to support local energy planning

The THERMOS project – of which ICLEI Europe is a partner – launched the latest version of the THERMOS tool at European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) this month.

The tool is a free, user-friendly, state-of-the-art energy system mapping and modelling software tailored to support local authorities and energy planners in their thermal network planning. It offers address-level data relevant for expanding existing systems, planning new systems, or assessing specific network vs. non-network solutions.

The software – along with a step-by-step demonstration video – is now accessible for all interested stakeholders and local energy planners. EUSEW participants also had the opportunity to explore the tool in-person on 19 June, which was complemented by advice from THERMOS and KeepWarm project experts.

Try out the tool today, by clicking here.