
15 November 2021

Practical exercises to unlock the full power of social innovations

Energy transition – or the transformation of our energy systems to be more sustainable and just for all – is vital work being carried out across the world, by groups ranging form large governments to small, innovative projects. Regardless of how this work is approached, it is always steeped in complex power dynamics that can impact effectiveness. 

A new guidance document puts power at the centre of the conversation, in order to unlock the full, transformative potential of energy transition efforts.

Through research, workshops, and collaborative learning, this unique and practical guide has been put together, featuring evidence-based exercises to help put power at the centre of energy transition work. This so-called Power Guide includes seven ‘building blocks’, seven exercises, and a series of succinct and practical videos, which make it an invaluable tool for social innovation practitioners.

Use the Power Guide to learn about gaining a sense of power, the multiple dimensions of power, unintended power consequences, and more. Make use of its exercises to guide groups to identify how, for example, their work exerts 'power over', 'power to' and 'power with'.

This Power Guide was researched and compiled in the context of the SONNET project, in which ICLEI Europe is a partner.

To make full use of the Power Guide, download it and its accompanying videos at: