
7 August 2019

Practitioner guidance on sustainable urban mobility plans available in new languages

Four key publications have now been released in French, Hungarian, Italian and Spanish. Mobility practitioners working in these languages can now make use of three manuals on selecting measures for a sustainable urban mobility plan (SUMP), and a report on developing a SUMP action plan.

In addition to providing assistance in identifying appropriate SUMP measures, the three manuals provide guidance on how to enhance select mobility fields. Each manual is tailored to a specific city profile, with beginner, intermediate and advanced SUMP cities covered. They also contain recommendations, rating systems for priorities of measures, and checklists for each city type.

The report gives guidance on how to go about approaching a crucial step in the SUMP process: the development of a SUMP action plan. It sets out responsibilities, resources, stakeholder coordination, time plans, and funding sources; breaks down action plan development into a six-step process (including an implementation plan); provides examples of action plan templates and best practice; and contains a user manual.

Read and download the documents in English, French, Hungarian, Italian and Spanish by clicking here.