
29 March 2021

Putting heritage at the heart of the European Green Deal

Researchers from the CLIC project – in which ICLEI Europe is a partner – have contributed as expert members to the European Cultural Heritage Green Paper, which explores and advocates for the role of cultural heritage in the successful implementation of the European Green Deal. The Green Paper highlights the multiple ways in which cultural heritage can contribute to the implementation of the EU Green Deal, focusing on the circular economy approach that is central to cultural heritage adaptive reuse.

One major component of the EU Green Deal is the so-called 'Renovation Wave' to refurbish and improve Europe's building stock. The World Green Building Council has estimated that up to 80 percent of buildings that will be in use in 2050 already exist today. Furthermore, about 35 percent of current buildings in the EU are 50 years old or older, while 97 percent of Europe's building stock is not currently efficient enough to comply with future carbon reduction targets. These facts point to the need to consider how 'circular' cultural heritage adaptive reuse can be applied as a fundamental strategy to renovate Europe's historic building stock, while co-generating positive impacts for cities and communities.

The critical roles and vast potential of cultural heritage adaptive reuse; traditional building construction techniques; and applying traditional knowledge and skills alongside the most innovative, nature-based technologies to develop safe, resilient, inclusive and sustainable cities and communities are all outlined in the Green Paper.

For more information, read the European Cultural Heritage Green Paper here.