
28 January 2020

Raw materials and circular societies prize now accepting applications

New business models that foster repairing, reuse, and sharing are an essential part of the circular economy, specifically in European cities, where on one hand most of the material- and energy throughput occurs, and on the other, innovative solutions can be best rolled out.

Recognising this, the Raw Materials and Circular Society Prize, which is organised by EIT RawMaterials in collaboration with ICLEI, rewards ideas for new business models, which foster repairing, reuse, and sharing.

The award is open to SMEs, start-up or spin-off companies, and citizens, or groups of citizens in any EU Member State, or in a country associated with Horizon 2020.

The winning entry will receive a financial award of 30,000 EUR, with a 20,000 EUR prize for second place, and a 10,000 EUR prize for third place.

For more information, and to submit an application before the 31 May deadline, click here.