
23 June 2021

Therapeutic garden for disabled community members opens in Zagreb

ICLEI Member Zagreb (Croatia) opened a new “therapeutic garden” in May 2021, whose purpose is to use nature-based solutions to help enhance well-being among various users, including by being accessible and providing room for both activity and rest.

The therapeutic garden in Zagreb was designed in close consultation with local associations working with people with disabilities. The garden features a diversity of green spaces for activities, relaxation and learning. Its prime feature is an urban ‘mini-farm’ featuring garden beds that are accessible for a variety of users.

The garden had its first public event on 10 June. Representatives of the City of Zagreb, the Daily Centre for Rehabilitation of Children and Youth (Mali dom - Zagreb), the Association of Persons with Cerebral Palsy Zagreb (CeDePe), and the Novi Jelkovec Center gathered to open the garden for their communities. The associations and the city held a joint urban gardening activity, where aspiring gardeners were taught how to plant herbs and vegetables.

The Zagreb therapeutic garden was developed and launched as part of the the proGIreg project, which uses nature-based solutions to revive post-industrial districts. The garden has been arranged and designed as a multi-sensory park, which allows users to experience, explore and learn about the space that surrounds them using all their senses. This is not only facilitated through its design, but also via workshops that are planned over the next months.

Learn more about Zagreb’s nature-based solutions approach here.