
25 March 2020

Tips to save energy while working from home

Throughout 2019, 31 local authorities spanning eight countries (Croatia, Cyprus, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Latvia and Spain) participated in a year-long energy saving competition. This competition, and the Compete4SECAP project team who organised and facilitated it, include partners based in Italy, France, Germany and Spain – some of countries that are worst-affected (so far) by the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The world is now facing an unprecedented crisis, which has forced many into self-isolation or to work from home in order to prevent wider spread of the coronavirus. Projects like Compete4SECAP have committed to promoting energy saving behaviour in office buildings and schools – but what happens when we bring the workplace home?

In this new context, we can learn from the Energy Tips produced through the competition and by the Compete4SECAP team, to save energy while spending most of our time indoors, doing homeschool or home office.

Apply their advice on using heating, electricity and office equipment more efficiently – and even how to arrange your furniture for optimum energy efficiency! – in your new home office or home school environment. Tips like turning off your computer and monitor instead of using a screensaver after you have finished your working day; turning off the printer while not using it; and remembering to turn off the lights as you go from one room to another, are some of the many suggestions that can be implemented to make responsible use of resources during these difficult times.

You can find all the Compete4SECAP Energy Tips here.

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