
Search Result ( 208 - 216 from 255 )

10 May 2019

ICLEI Europe joins EU Green Week

Each year, the European Commission hosts #EUGreenWeek – an event that convenes a range of stakeholders and experts to engage around Europe’s sustainable future. This year’s event will centre on implementation of environmental laws, based on the Commission’s reports on the top...

1 April 2019

Copenhagen demonstrates that local governments are leading the way in fighting climate change

A recent article in the New York Times overviews Copenhagen’s (Denmark) efforts to become carbon neutral by 2025, reflecting the ways in which cities can and are leading the way in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Copenhagen is mitigating climate change through investing in renewable energy...

29 March 2019

Local energy and climate policy planning crucial to meet 2030 and 2050 targets

In October 2018, the European Union (EU) published its A clean planet for all Communiqué, outlining eight pathways on how to reach climate-neutrality by 2050. The EU has also recognised the importance of local authorities in reaching the global climate targets and is increasing efforts to str...

27 March 2019

Mannheim to host 9th European Conference on Sustainable Cities and Towns

ICLEI Member Mannheim (Germany) will host the 9th edition of the European Conference on Sustainable Cities and Towns, which will take place in Mannheim, 30 September – 2 October 2020. The conference will demonstrate the urgent need for local governments to assume responsibility for urban tran...

6 March 2019

European sustainability award launched at Change the Change conference

Win 10,000 EUR and be recognised as a European leader of sustainable urban transformation with the 2019 Transformative Action Award The 2019 edition of the Transformative Action Award was launched today at ‘Change the Change’, an international conference on climate change, organised by ...

28 February 2019

Energy Transition Policy Guidelines for Local and Regional authorities released

Guidelines and key recommendations for a successful and cost-effective energy transition have recently been released by the Heat Roadmap Europe (HRE) H2020 energy mapping and modelling project. The project’s unique approach in combining energy system mapping and modelling of the heating, cool...

27 February 2019

How the building sector can contribute to a climate-neutral Europe

The building sector is responsible for 40 percent of energy consumption, as well as greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the EU. As such, the decarbonisation potential within this sector is great. Energy efficiency, including zero-emissions buildings, is one of the pathways the EU strategy for a clima...

25 February 2019

Multi-level governance: an essential part of the strategy to achieve climate-neutrality

On Sunday, 24 February, the German City of Freiburg im Breisgau held a referendum to decide whether or not to build a new eco-district, called Dietenbach. The motion passed, with 60 percent voting in favour of building the site. The plan provides for 6,500 apartments, schools and kindergartens, loc...

13 February 2019

Landmark legislation passed on the Balearic Islands

On Tuesday 12 February 2019, the government of the regional autonomous community of the Balearic Islands (Spain) passed a landmark piece of legislation - the Climate Change and Energy Transition Law. The law, which was pioneered by the progressive coalition governing the islands, commits the region...