
Search Result ( 190 - 198 from 255 )

28 October 2019

Multi-level stakeholder involvement as crucial to the energy transition

There is clear ambition among representatives from local to European levels for Europe to raise the bar and to achieve climate neutrality by 2050. This requires discussion on how to decarbonise Europe’s energy supply – both within and with its regions, cities and citizens – and nec...

22 October 2019

ICLEI Europe part of new project on Positive Energy Buildings

On 1 October 2019, a new H2020 project called EXCESS (“flEXible user-CEntric Energy poSitive houseS”) was kicked-off in Graz. Over the next four years, ICLEI Europe will work with 21 EXCESS partners from eight European countries to show that it is possible to transform nearly-zero energy...

18 October 2019

“Transdisciplinarity” for a sustainable future

It is clear that we need to build a more sustainable world. Groups of people from all different areas are working towards this goal. However, so often we work in silos, trying to leverage our specific expertise only. The problem is that climate change is complex. The challenges we face and transfor...

17 October 2019

New open access 'Learning Centre' launched to support district heating system improvements

On the occasion of the 2019 CELSIUS Summit on thermal energy systems of the future, taking place today and tomorrow (17-18 October) in ICLEI Member Brussels (Belgium), the KeepWarm project has announced the launch of an online Learning Centre on improving the performance of district heating systems....

9 October 2019

How to work together with citizens towards a low-carbon society

Energy transitions from fossil fuel to renewable energy sources demand more than just technological solutions. Meaningful changes in energy systems require engaging people, and technological solutions must be utilitsed with social realities in mind to achieve higher quality of life for people. The ...

9 September 2019

ICLEI Europe to participate in European Week of Regions and Cities 2019

Every year since 2003, the European Commission alongside the European Committee of the Regions (CoR) have hosted the European Week of Regions and Cities (EWRC), a four-day event for cities and regions to showcase their work and the crucial role they play in European governance. The event hosts works...

15 August 2019

Cities invited to join peers to learn about electric mobility planning

Only two slots remain for cities to join an Uptake Cities Group on electric mobility as part of the GreenCharge project, for which ICLEI is a partner. GreenCharge will work with up to twelve Uptake Cities who will learn about zero emissions transport systems, electric vehicles and green energy thro...

2 August 2019

European Investment Bank to align energy funding with long-term climate goal

The European Investment Bank (EIB) recently published a new draft energy lending policy. If approved, this will align EIB’s lending with the EU’s long-term climate targets by investing in green energy, and ceasing support of new fossil fuel-based projects by the end of 2020. In order to...

1 August 2019

Get certified in sustainable district energy and thermal energy network planning

Are you interested in improved heating and cooling planning, and in implementing better local sustainable energy and climate action plans and projects? Would you like to get certified for having acquired and demonstrated knowledge and competences in this field? The online THERMOS Train-the-Trainer ...