
Search Result ( 181 - 189 from 255 )

6 February 2020

Register now for #Mannheim2020 to take local transformation forward

ICLEI Europe and the City of Mannheim are thrilled to share that registration is now open for the upcoming Mannheim2020 conference, which marks the 9th edition of the European Conference on Sustainable Cities & Towns. By now, we know that the world faces major environmental, economic and social...

17 January 2020

Genk's decades-long experience with just transition

For several decades now, ICLEI Member Genk (Belgium) has been transitioning away from its legacy as a major coal mining area. The city and the larger Limburg region (within which Genk is located) have found that transition is about much more than just energy. Rather, it has been a long and comprehen...

17 January 2020

ICLEI projects team up to promote innovative sustainable energy planning

Every year, the Covenant of Mayors Investment Forum – Energy Efficiency Finance Market Place showcases successful projects working on financing climate adaptation, energy efficiency, clean mobility and energy planning, as well as initiatives working across Europe to facilitate a market for cli...

7 January 2020

Retrofitting district heating systems: contributing to long-term renovation strategies

Will district heating still be relevant in a Europe made up of all low- and zero-energy buildings? How can the retrofitting of district heating systems contribute to achieving zero-emission building stock in the EU by 2050? The renovation of buildings and retrofitting of district heating systems sho...

17 December 2019

"Municipalities for Sustainability": innovation in municipalities of all sizes

It is sometimes asserted that big cities are the front-runners in innovation, and that only they have enough capacity and budget to take on new initiatives. Extended urban environments can be seen as the places where culture leads to innovation. Although this is true, it is often smaller municipalit...

13 December 2019

New report casts light on how energy efficiency can be improved to meet EU Green Deal goals

The recently revealed EU Green Deal and climate neutrality target (by 2050) are in line with the Paris Agreement goals. However, energy efficiency (EE) and smart energy systems hold even more potential that is yet to be exploited. A new report entitled “Towards a decarbonised heating and cool...

27 November 2019

ICLEI Europe on-the-ground at COP25

This December, countries from across the world will meet in Madrid (Spain) for the 25th Conference of the Parties of the United National Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP25). Past meetings have led to landmark agreements, such as the Paris Agreement, which was the result of COP21. ICLEI i...

14 November 2019

Getting to low- and zero-emission building stock by 2050 is no game – or is it?

How can the EU building stock reach low and zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050? How can new methods like 'gamification' help make this ambitious goal a reality? The buildings sector accounts for 36 percent of carbon emissions in the European Union (EU) and is thus a key sector that must be targe...

30 October 2019

Why is social innovation crucial for the energy transition?

Facing the dire threats of climate change, public authorities are under increasing pressure to play a leading role in driving the move towards a low-carbon society. A recent policy brief produced by the SMARTEES project and titled “Policy Brief: Social Innovation in the Energy Transition in A...