Socially responsible public procurement (SRPP) asks public buyers to look beyond the price of goods and services, and consider the larger picture around how they are produced, sourced and delivered. To support this objective, the European Commission is organising training workshops on SRPP aimed at public authorities and social economy entities in 12 Member States. The first events will take place in Belgium, Lithuania, Portugal and Estonia, all in national languages. On behalf of the European Commission, ICLEI Europe will be leading the Portuguese national workshop.
Civil servants and/or procurers will learn to:
- Design tendering procedures which include social considerations and are accessible to the social economy.
- Incorporate social considerations throughout the procurement process.
- Understand the social economy better.
Social economy entities (SEE) will learn to:
- Compete for tenders with social considerations.
- Form consortia with conventional businesses or other social economy entities or become subcontractors.
To join, express your interest for the workshop in your country below:
- Belgium workshop in French (24 May):
- Belgium workshop in Dutch (5 June):
- Lithuania workshop in Lithuanian (23 May):
- Estonia workshop in Estonian (4 June):
- Portugal workshop in Portuguese (4 June):
For more information, reach out to
These workshops are organsied withing the EU initiative WeBuySocialEU: Training and Awareness-raising Activities in Socially Responsible Procurement, whose focus is to show how to use public procurement to achieve social goals. ICLEI Europe implements this project on behalf of the European Commission alongside with AEIDL, the Diesis Network, and the REVES Network.
To learn more about ICLEI's work on sustainable and innovation procurement, click here.