
Search Result ( 46 - 54 from 94 )

PPI Platform

European Public Public Procurement of Innovation Platform

The potential for the use of public procurement as an instrument to stimulate innovation has received growing emphasis in Europe in recent years. Representing 16% of European GDP, public procurement is a key source of demand and a major area in which governments are striving to improve effectiveness...

ISEAL Research

ISEAL Research Consultancy - The use of sustainability standards in sustainable public procurement

ISEAL Alliance, the global association for sustainability standards, in collaboration with ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability, is conducting a series of interviews with a worldwide range of public sector entities. The purpose of these interviews is to undertake field-level research in or...

The LANDMARK project

Moving towards socially responsible procurement

The LANDMARK project enabled European local authorities to act as key drivers for the promotion of fair working conditions in global supply chains for certain products purchased by the European public sector. By changing the consumption patterns of public authorities, the living and working conditio...

Sustainable Timber Action (STA)

Promoting fair and sustainable forestry through procurement

Sustainable Timber Action (STA) assisted European public authorities in making sure the wood/timber products they buy are produced and traded in a sustainable and fair way. Public authorities purchase significant amounts of timber products, from construction material to furniture, from packaging to ...

"Creating Landmarks" in Germany on green procurement

Anchoring green public procurement principles in curricula of training academies

The project will provide a customised and user-oriented training concept on green public procurement (GPP) for teachers and curriculum leaders from public administration training institutions in the form of train the trainer approach.

Lecturers and trainers from training academies across Germany...

EU GPP Helpdesk

Operation of an EU Helpdesk for the support and promotion of Green Public Procurement

The main idea behind the GPP Helpdesk is to promote and disseminate information about GPP, and to provide timely and accurate answers to stakeholders' enquiries. Stakeholders can send their questions by email to Part of the GPP Helpdesk service are the publication of monthly n...


Supporting the market for energy efficient central information technologies (IT)

Supporting the market for energy efficient central information technologies (IT)

Update and revision of Buying Green!

Update and revision of Buying Green! A Handbook for environmental public procurement

Since its publication in 2004, Buying Green! has become one of the most influential documents in the promotion of GPP across the EU. It serves not only as a practical tool to assist public authorities in implementing GPP, but also has been of considerable use to national governments and other Europe...

ICT for EE

The contribution of ICT to Energy Efficiency: Local & Regional Initiatives

This project was commissioned by European Commission (DG Information Society and Media) in collaboration with the Committee of the Regions. It is a pan-European research and dissemination project focusing on local and regional initiatives for promoting energy efficiency through the direct and enabli...