The objective of iNSPiRe is to tackle the problem of high-energy consumption by producing systemic renovation packages that can be applied to residential and tertiary buildings. The renovation packages developed by iNSPiRe aim to reduce the primary energy consumption of a building to lower than 50 kWh/m2/year. The packages need to be suitable to a variety of climates while ensuring optimum comfort for the building users.
The first stage of iNSPiRe is the analysis of building stock across Europe to produce seven target examples that represent the majority. By looking at these buildings holistically, taking in all aspects of the structure and energy distribution, iNSPiRE will use these templates to consider renovation procedures with a large replication potential. The second major stage of iNSPiRe will be the development of multifunctional renovation kits that make use of innovative envelope technologies, energy generation systems (including RES integration) and energy distribution systems. Here there are exciting plans for the development and design of façade and roof kits with innovative energy storage solutions and heating/ventilation devices. The technologies and renovation approaches developed by the iNSPiRe project will be installed and tested on three case studies, two residential and one office building, in Germany, Spain and Italy.