

Climate Resilient Development Pathways in Metropolitan Regions of Europe

2024 - 2028

As climate change intensifies, the frequency and severity of weather extremes pose significant challenges for local adaptation strategies. The CARMINE project addresses these challenges by bridging local and regional scales, providing impact-based decision support services and multi-level climate governance to enhance local adaptation efforts. By integrating both traditional methods and Nature-Based Solutions, CARMINE aims to empower metropolitan communities across Europe to become more climate resilient.

CARMINE's overarching goal is to help these communities co-produce innovative, knowledge-based tools, strategies, and plans that align with the Charter of the EU Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change by 2030. The interdisciplinary approach of CARMINE includes three key components: first, the co-creation and development of decision-support services and guidelines that enhance resilience and adaptive capacity, including early warning and disaster risk management systems; second, close collaboration with local and regional stakeholders, decision-makers, and policy-makers to develop cross-sectoral frameworks for adaptation and mitigation actions; and third, the delivery of science-based research and innovation roadmaps that support local adaptation assessments and plans.

CARMINE will implement its methodology in eight selected case study areas to demonstrate its effectiveness, digitally replicating the climate and socio-economic characteristics of each region. The knowledge co-created through CARMINE will be shared widely via project networks, driving adaptation efforts in other metropolitan regions across Europe and beyond.

  • Prague, Czech Republic
  • Leipzig, Germany
  • Funen-Odense, Denmark
  • BraČ™ov, Romania
  • Birmingham, United Kingdom

Project number: 101137851

Call: HORIZON-CL5-2023-D1-01