

MULTI-faceted CLIMate adaptation ACTions to improve resilience, preparedness and responsiveness of the built environment against multiple hazards at multiple scales

2023 - 2027

As climate conditions continue to evolve and extreme events become more frequent, it is crucial to adapt our built environment to withstand present and future risks. Too often, our infrastructure exacerbates vulnerabilities instead of protecting citizens. The MULTICLIMACT project is dedicated to changing this by placing resilience at the heart of climate-proofing efforts.

MULTICLIMACT aims to create a comprehensive framework and tool that empowers public stakeholders and citizens to assess and enhance the resilience of buildings, urban areas, and territories. This approach will help communities prepare for natural, climatic, and supply-chain-related hazards, ensuring a safer, more sustainable future. The project features a method designed to assess built environments at multiple scales, from individual buildings to entire regions, while prioritizing human wellbeing, health, and quality of life. Additionally, MULTICLIMACT offers a toolkit of 18 practical, cost-effective design methods, materials, and digital solutions that enable users to estimate and improve the resilience of targeted assets, integrating diverse disciplines—socio-economic, life sciences, engineering, and climate—to ensure a holistic approach to resilience.

Aligned with European and international initiatives, MULTICLIMACT will demonstrate its approach through four case studies across different geographical, social, and economic contexts. These studies will range from single buildings, including cultural heritage sites, to larger urban and territorial scales. Together, MULTICLIMACT is paving the way for more resilient communities, ready to face the challenges of a changing climate.

  • Camerino, Italy
  • Leidschendam-Voorburg and Roermond, Netherlands
  • Riga, Latvia

Project number: 101123538

Call: HORIZON-CL5-2022-D4-02-01