Cultuur&Campus Putselaan is a pilot for sustainable and inclusive urban development, (art) education, culture and socially relevant research, from neighborhood residents, local entrepreneurs and (art) education, schools and the municipality of Rotterdam, in the heart of Rotterdam South. Cultuur&Campus Putselaan is financed by the European Union's New European Bauhaus (NEB) initiative as part of the HORIZON Europe program.
The project is led by the Erasmus University Rotterdam, and supported by a consortium of 7 partners, including the Municipality of Rotterdam, Codarts Rotterdam (Willem de Kooning Academy and Institute of the Built Environment), Afrikaanderwijk Coöperatie, Delft University of Technology, Buzinezzclub, ICLEI Europe, and ELIA.
The project will explore the future of a city based on inclusive, sustainable and beautiful urban development. Being a place-based initiative, the project is part of the dynamic and strong network of social, cultural, and ecological initiatives in Feijenoord and Charlois.