Networking action to involve Local Governments in the EU and international energy and climate debate
2009 - 2011
LG Action was a networking action to involve Local Governments (LGs) in the EU and international energy and climate debate. This project was co-financed by the Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE) Programme, and dealt with municiplaities and their associations in 30 countries.
The aim was to mobilise and network with LGs, present LG positions relevant to climate and energy to a range of actors: local government associations, national governments, the European Commission and feeding into the post-2012 climate negotiations. It called for greater recognition of the essential role of LGs in climate protection and sustainable energy roll-out.
Cities and towns in the E27, Croatia, Liechtenstein and Norway were invited to link to this project, and make use of the unique opportunities it presented regarding advocacy at the European and international level.