

Procuring zero emission urban delivery of goods and services

2016 - 2019

BuyZET aims to understand and optimise the impact of public procurement activities on transport patterns in cities – and to find innovative and sustainable delivery solutions for goods and services, which can help to address these challenges.

The impact public procurement has on transportation patterns in cities is far reaching. Almost every product or service we buy leads to vehicle trips within cities – from waste collection trucks, to the delivery of office supplies; from bus services to road maintenance staff travelling to a work site.

In the first stage of the project the cities of Copenhagen, Rotterdam and Oslo have mapped in detail which of their procurement activities have the biggest impact on transportation flows within the city, and identified priority areas for the development of innovative procurement solutions. All cities will focus on facility maintenance and repair service contracts. In addition, cities have identified the following priority areas:

  • Oslo: facility waste collection services
  • Rotterdam: construction material transportation
  • Copenhagen: consolidation of supply and demand for multiple products

Each city will carry out a series of market engagement and research activities, before developing their final innovative procurement plans by Spring 2019.

An observer city group including the Brussels Region, Southampton, Jerusalem, Munich, Manchester, Bielefeld and Bologna will also aim to implement similar activities in their own cities.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 724101. The information produced by the project are the sole responsibility of BuyZET and can in no way be
taken to reflect the views of the European Union.