Sustainable Food Systems

Food is linked to every facet of sustainable urban development. More than 70% of food is currently consumed by urban residents, and this share will only increase as urban populations continue to grow. The food systems that these urban dwellers rely on can also have detrimental impacts on nature and climate – food systems account for up to 37% of global greenhouse gas emissions.

Changes in urban communities’ diets have also resulted in negative health impacts. Food systems link multiple sectors from energy, to water, infrastructure, the economy, climate change, and to health and well-being – these sectors span the public, private and civil society spheres. This is why coordinated action and shared responsibility between local, regional and national levels is key to transforming food production and consumption in a systemic way.

ICLEI Europe is a strong advocate for food systems transformation from local to global levels, and firmly believes in the demonstrated power of the (public) plate to address and help meet the global Sustainable Development Goals.

Check out our Factsheet below to learn more!

Sustainable Food Systems Factsheet


Within the Buy Better Food Campaign, ICLEI has initiated an EU-wide petition for ‘A healthy meal for every child in every EU School’. The aim is to invite cities and citizens to urge EU and national policy makers to implement sustainable school meals for the implementation of the EU Farm to Fork strategy.
To read and sign the EU-wide ‘A healthy school meal for every child in every EU school’ petition, click here.

Leads the largest EU project ever

funded on sustainable

food procurement:


Supports innovative public tenders with the potential toimpact over 600,000

children and young people

in over 3000 schools in

12 EU Member States

Brings together 50+organisations

– including over 40 European cities

– in the Buy Better Food

campaign, and supports over

35 cities around the world in developing strong food policies and planning through the CityFood programme


"Food cuts across all parts of sustainable urban life – it relates to urban planning, mobility, health, pollution, green space, and so much more. That is precisely why sustainable food systems change has such huge potential!."



Jakub Mazur, (Member of ICLEI's European Regional Executive Committee)
Deputy Mayor, Wrocław, Poland

Find out more

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