Moving European consumption of natural resources down to a level that respects the limits of local and global ecosystems requires a socio-cultural, socio-economic and technological transition. Governance Innovation is key for local governments and their communities to shape this transition.
ICLEI looks at how societies organise themselves and how this needs to change in order to support the sustainability transition. Processes of interaction, such as co-production and co-design, governance frameworks and management systems, urban-rural linkages and cultural change, crowd mechanisms and sharing approaches, can be applied to various policy areas that local governments deal with.
Check out our Factsheet below to read more!
Governance Innovation Factsheet
"Cities play a strategic role in localising the European Green Deal. Through declarations such as the Aalborg Charter and Aalborg Commitments, the city continues to drive the European agenda for local governments. On top, the city leads by example, working with ICLEI on Local Green Deals to accelerate implementation of European and global sustainability targets."
Lasse Frimand Jensen
Mayor of Aalborg (Denmark), Member of ICLEI's European Regional Executive Committee
The EU Green Deal reflects the need for a fundamental transformation of Europe towards a sustainable development path. In order to be successful, it needs to resonate throughout societies across all Member States, create ownership and a positive narrative of how (well) Europeans will live in 20-30 years. The EU Green Deal needs a local component, rooted at the governance level closest to the citizens: local government. It is for this reason that the success of the EU Green Deal hinges on the creation of Local Green Deals (LGDs).
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