

Coordinated energy-related PPIs actions for cities

2015 - 2018

CEPPI – Coordinated energy-related PPIs actions for cities – aims to build capacity in cities on how to achieve more sustainable energy solutions through a pro-innovation procurement approach. The five cities involved in this project - Birmingham (UK), Budapest (Hungary), Castellón & Valencia (Spain) and Wrocław (Poland) – will intervene in scheduled public tenders to achieve a more sustainable energy outcome. The objective is to save at least 33GWh/year. The project will also help to develop the capacity of public authorities.

To achieve the goals, several actions will be taken: procurement officers will be trained, public tenders with energy efficiency specifications will be launched, and suppliers will be invited to engage in dialogue with public authorities to analyse which innovative solutions can be applied.

Expected outcomes
These are the expected impacts of the CEPPI project:

  • Save energy and increase production of renewable energy
  • Capacity building in smart, sustainable and innovation procurement
  • Policy implementation and closing the policy-procurement gap
  • Creating market for innovative energy goods and services
  • Replication and extension to other cities and public sector organisations in the same city or region

CEPPI is a three-year project financially supported by the EU’s Horizon 2020 Programme, which started in April 2015.

  • Birmingham
  • Castellón (Spain)
  • Valencia (Spain)

CEPPI is a three-year project financially supported by the EU’s Horizon 2020 Programme