
Search Result ( 1 - 9 from 39 )


ENPOWER strives to transform traditional passive energy consumers into active energy citizens enabling them to take full control on their energy usage. The project engages with all the principal actors of the energy value chain, allowing them to achieve energy savings, increase their energy efficien...

Crete Valley

Co-funded by the European Union, CRETE VALLEY is a project that will transform the Greek island of Crete into a secure, sustainable, and decentralised energy system. To accelerate a just energy transition, CRETE VALLEY will create a Renewable Energy Valley ‘Living Lab’ (REV-Lab), which will enab...


European City Facility

Municipalities, local authorities, and local public entities are the driver of the European sustainable energy transition. With tremendous potential to build comprehensive sustainable investment programmes, they also play a key role in pooling smaller projects into larger investment portfolios and i...


DigitAl and physical incrEmental renovation packaGes/systems enhancing envIronmental and energetic behaviour and use of Resources

Responding to the urgent need for a Renovation Wave to future-proof Europe's buildings, the AEGIR project develops solutions to make renovations quicker, faster and less disruptive. To this end, project partners are pioneering industrialised and modular systems as well as digital tools. Amongst othe...


Urban Transitions Mission Centre

The Urban Transitions Mission Centre (UTMC) is a global platform that promotes urban sustainability and facilitates climate-neutral transitions. The UTMC helps cities to bridge knowledge and capacity gaps by linking cities with policy, implementation, and funding solutions via exchanges that transce...


Energy communities for a fair energy transition in Europe

Through the Sun4All project approach, four European ‘pilot cities’ aimed at facilitating access to renewable energy generation (and its economic and environmental benefits) for vulnerable households, who suffer from energy poverty and which otherwise would not have the capacity of invest...


Energy Citizenship and Energy Communities for a Clean Energy Transition

The active involvement and empowerment of the people in the energy sector is crucial to the transition to a clean energy society. Therefore, EC2 seeks to scale-up energy citizenship and energy-communities. The project provides evidence-based practical guidance to strengthen energy citizenship and th...


Thermal decarbonisation strategies for urban transitions

The Act!onHeat project will provide practical support to local energy planners to translate their heating and cooling strategies into action. The project will offer planners practical guidance and tools to strategically plan the decarbonisation of their local heating and cooling sector and initiate ...


Smart Energy Solutions for Africa

SESA is a collaborative project between the European Union and nine African countries that aims at providing energy access technologies and business models that are easily replicable and generate local opportunities for economic development and social cohesion in Africa, also using European know-how...