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Re-Valuing Urban Quality & Climate Neutrality in European Waterfront Cities

Inspired by the New European Bauhaus’ aesthetic approach to sustainability and undertaken to support the EU Mission for Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities, Re-Value takes a holistic approach to urban development considering not only the physical infrastructure but also the well-being of communities ...

TurnaroundMoney II

Rethinking Municipal Finance

A large part of the necessary investments for sustainability transitions, especially to reach net zero and other environmental goals, must be made at the municipal level. In many European countries, however, there are no adequate financing mechanisms to support municipal actors. Against the backgrou...


Urban Transitions Mission Centre

The Urban Transitions Mission Centre (UTMC) is a global platform that promotes urban sustainability and facilitates climate-neutral transitions. The UTMC helps cities to bridge knowledge and capacity gaps by linking cities with policy, implementation, and funding solutions via exchanges that transce...


Advancing national support for climate-neutral cities

A support action for national and regional authorities to advance their governance structures and strengthen dedicated support for cities to achieve the climate-neutral Cities Mission. The project is funded under the EU Missions programme of Horizon Europe.
CapaCITIES coordinates actions across cli...


NetZeroCities is a four-year project designed to help cities overcome the current structural, institutional and cultural barriers they face in order to achieve climate neutrality by 2030.